
The Blessing of the Children “May G-d make you like Ephraim and Menashe”


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It is tremendously powerful to bless the children on Friday evening together with the long blessing of the children The blessing of the children “May G-d make you like Ephraim and Menashe

This is the blessing of our father Jacob may he rest in peace, the father of our people, to his grandchildren, the sons of his beloved son Joseph. In his dramatic meeting after having been apart for so many years following the “sale of Joseph”, Jacob bestows a spiritual inheritance prior to his death to the sons of Joseph. Jacob declares that these two grandsons will be like his own sons in any and all matters. “And now these two sons whom were born to you…are mine, Ephraim and Menashe are like Reuven and Shimon to me” (Genesis 48;5). They are to be counted amongst the tribes of Israel and they will inherit land in the Land of Israel like the other tribes. He continues to say that in the future whenever a father wishes to bless his sons he shall bless them that they be like Menashe and Ephraim.

Menashe and Ephraim were established on that day as a source for abundant blessings “And he blessed them on that day saying through you will Israel bless’ May G-d make you like Ephraim and Menashe” (Genesis 48;20). And therefore it is a holy custom to bless the children on Friday evening.

And in the books of the Kabbalists it is brought: That the Holy One Blessed Be He blesses at the very same moment and agrees to the blessing. Additionally: “it is the power and merit of the extra soul in both he who is blessing and he who is blessed on Friday evening that gives the power for the fulfillment of the blessing, and because of the sanctity of the Sabbath Satan is powerless to stand in its way. Because on the Sabbath Satan and evil do not rule. And it is proper that he place his right hand upon the head of his son/daughter, and before he begins to bless, he should first bless the holy One Blessed Be He to enhance the power of the blessing and to prevent any obstacle from standing in its way.

The Blessing of the Children

“May the name of the Lord be blessed from now until eternity”
For a son: May G-d give you grace (state the son’s name and that of his mother)

For a daughter: May G-d give you grace (state the daughter’s name and that of her mother)

And may it rest upon you the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the sprit of good counsel and strength, the spirit of knowledge and fear of G-d May the Lord bless you and keep you May the Lord illuminate His countenance for you and be gracious to you May the Lord turn His countenance to you and grant you peace

May the angel who redeems me from all evil bless the lads and call upon them in my name and the name of my fathers Abraham and Isaac and may they proliferate abundantly like fish in the land

For a son: May G-d make you like Ephraim and Menashe

For a daughter: May G-d make you like Sarah Rebecca Rachel and Leah


The amulets are a receptacle for all of our needs. They create a connection and energized activity for the fulfillment of our requests and desires and they contain the combination of Names and seals which have the power to activate them and to obtain Divine influence for the purpose for which they are needed. The amulet connects us to the power source through which we receive all the good that is within creation through the improvement of our material and emotional situation. The amulet as a source of power in and of itself is presented on a “stone” which is an energized infrastructure and a receptacle with tremendous power in itself. During his journey our father Jacob, when he sought to take a nap, chose to rest his head on a “stone”:

“And Jacob took one of the stones from that place and placed it under his head and lay in that place”

The next morning following the inspirational dream of “Jacob’s ladder” and the Divine revelation, Jacob takes the “stone” upon which he rested his head and erected it as an altar:
“And he took the “stone” upon which he had rested his head and erected it as a monument and poured oil upon its head”.

Later, at the moment of the revelation at Mt. Sinai, we are commanded to build an altar only out of “stone”

“an altar made of stone you shall make for Me”.

In a numerical discovery I found that to lighten your eyes to the power of the infrastructure upon which we set the amulet “stone”/

The name of the Creator (yud-hey-vav-hey) equals 53. “Stone (even in Hebrew) also equals 53.


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