
Marital Relationships For the strengthening of love between husband and wife


Product Description

The fitness of the match, the preservation and strengthening of the relationship is one of the great and dynamic challenges that face a married couple. When it is clear to the couple that every expression of love between them, including the physical union as part of the spiritual union- this clear realization is essential for the success of married life and marital relationships.

The woman’s desire to please and to find favor in her husband’s eyes and to arouse his love:
“The wife only dresses nicely for her husband”

And there is also the clear recognition of the husband:

“Blessing is found in a man’s home only because of his wife”

These are the means of behavior that each marital partner must internalize and act accordingly. “A deserving couple merits that the Shechina- Divine Presence- dwells amongst them”

Ish- Isha (man- woman) The letter yud in the word ish and the letter heh in the word isha spells the word yud-heh- the name of the Creator (who dwells amongst them)

This amulet is brought down in the book “Raziel the Angel”

For strengthening the love between husband and wife, and this is the text:

“May it be Your will o Lord, our G-d and the G-d of our fathers, that you command your holy angels in merit of your holy seal who carry it for the purpose of mutual love, and may there never be between them neither hatred nor jealousy nor strife but rather a full and loving heart forever and ever.

The amulets are a receptacle for all of our needs. They create a connection and energized activity for the fulfillment of our requests and desires and they contain the combination of Names and seals which have the power to activate them and to obtain Divine influence for the purpose for which they are needed. The amulet connects us to the power source through which we receive all the good that is within creation through the improvement of our material and emotional situation. The amulet as a source of power in and of itself is presented on a “stone” which is an energized infrastructure and a receptacle with tremendous power in itself. During his journey our father Jacob, when he sought to take a nap, chose to rest his head on a “stone”:

“And Jacob took one of the stones from that place and placed it under his head and lay in that place”

The next morning following the inspirational dream of “Jacob’s ladder” and the Divine revelation, Jacob takes the “stone” upon which he rested his head and erected it as an altar:
“And he took the “stone” upon which he had rested his head and erected it as a monument and poured oil upon its head”.

Later, at the moment of the revelation at Mt. Sinai, we are commanded to build an altar only out of “stone”

“an altar made of stone you shall make for Me”.

In a numerical discovery I found that to lighten your eyes to the power of the infrastructure upon which we set the amulet “stone”/

The name of the Creator (yud-hey-vav-hey) equals 53. “Stone (even in Hebrew) also equals 53.


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