Product Description
A very powerful amulet for conception and fertility together with a special ancient prayer according to the Kabbalah
This name has the power to have influence over one who is childless and helps conception and fertility. This name is derived from the letters kaf,heh,tav in the verse” behold you have conceived and will give birth to a son”. A great and powerful secret is hidden in this name and brought to you with great love: The letters in the alphabet before the name “kht” are yud.dalet.shin which are the letters of the name Shadai. In this name lies the power of the blessing of fertility and reproduction. The Creator Himself blesses Abraham with this name. “And the Lord said to him I am G-d Shadai (Almighty)…and you shall be the father of many nations…and I will make you very fruitful…” (Genesis 17;3-6) Isaac uses this name to bless Jacob: “And G-d Shadai (Almighty) shall bless you and make you fruitful and multiply and you will be a community of nations” (Genesis 28;3). The Creator too blesses our father Jacob with the name “Shadai”: “And G-d said to him I am G-d Shadai (Almighty)- be fruitful and multiply…” (Genesis 35;9-11). The letter “heh” which is emphasized in the middle of the name “kHt” further strengthens and makes even more powerful the name for fertility and childbirth. As such, when Abraham and Sarah still had their original names of Abram and Sarai they were childless, and only when the letter “heh” was added to their names the power of childbearing was also added as it is stated: “And the Lord appeared to Abraham and said to him…and no longer shall your name be Abram but your name shall be Abraham and I will make you exceedingly fruitful” (genesis 17;1-6) Similarly for Sarah: “And the Lord said to Abraham your wife Sarai shall not be called Sarai but Sarah shall be her name…and I will also give her a son” (Genesis 17;15). And in the continuation: “And the Lord remembered Sarah…and she conceived and bore a son to Abraham” (Genesis 21;1-2). And with regards to Abraham: “And Abraham was exceedingly old and G-d blessed Abraham with everything” (Genesis 24;1)
“bakol (everything) = 52; ben (son) = 52 Also the two remaining letters of the kHt=420 which is equal to “see children of your children” =420 A prayer for conception and fertility To be said when lighting candles which is an hour of goodwill The two Sabbath candles are symbolic of “observe and remember” “Observe the Sabbath day to keep it holy” “Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy” And while lighting candles one should concentrate on the fact that “ner” (candle)=250; two canles = 500 whose numerical value equals “be fruitful and multiply” Prayer: Read Samuel I chapter 1 in its entirety until chapter 2 verse 10. (and afterwards say this with complete concentration ):
May it be your will O G-d and G-d of our Fathers that you instill in the seed of the womb everlasting seed for all who are childless and barren in Your people Israel and amongst them remember me your servant (state your name and that of your mother) and my husband (state his name and that of his mother) as You remembered our mother Sarah may she rest in peace as it is said: “And the Lord remembered Sarah as He said…” And with the power of the Holy Name Y-H-V-H blessed is He who is appointed to remember the barren and which is alluded to in the power of the word “pakad(remembered)” in this manner: Yud, yud heh, yud heh vav, yud heh vav heh =184. The word “pakad” (remembered)”=184 And may it be fulfilled in me the biblical verse “behold you have conceived and will bear a son”- through the power of the name “kht” which is alluded to in this verse. And may it be fulfilled in me the biblical verse:
“I am G-d Almighty- be fruitful and multiply” “And G-d Almighty shall bless you and make you fruitful”
and through the power of Your Holy name “Shadai (Almighty) with the complete spelling of its three letters equals 500 which also equals “be fruitful and multiply”. And also the complete spelling of the three final letters equals 454 which also equals “ben bat”(son daughter)
And please in Your great mercy nullify from me and from my husband everything which can delay conception and rip asunder the evil decrees through the power of Your holy name “Kra Satan”(rip apart Satan), and fulfill in us the biblical verse: “Their shall be no bereaved parent or barren woman in Your land- the days of your life I shall complete”
“Your wife shall be like a fruitful vine in the inner chambers of your home; your children shall be like olive shoots surrounding your table” “And may you see children born to your children, peace upon Israel” Amen.
“And Jacob took one of the stones from that place and placed it under his head and lay in that place”
The next morning following the inspirational dream of “Jacob’s ladder” and the Divine revelation, Jacob takes the “stone” upon which he rested his head and erected it as an altar:
“And he took the “stone” upon which he had rested his head and erected it as a monument and poured oil upon its head”.
Later, at the moment of the revelation at Mt. Sinai, we are commanded to build an altar only out of “stone”
“an altar made of stone you shall make for Me”.
In a numerical discovery I found that to lighten your eyes to the power of the infrastructure upon which we set the amulet “stone”/
The name of the Creator (yud-hey-vav-hey) equals 53. “Stone (even in Hebrew) also equals 53.
Additional Information
Material | Tile |
Dimensions | 10X10 |